vAna rAkaDayu prANambu pOkaDa
kAnabaDa denta ghanuna kaina
kAnabaDina mIda kali yeTlu naDacurA
viSvadAbhi rAma vinura vEma.
Nobody knows the exact time of arrival of rain on a particular day.
Nobody can foresee when Life goes out of a person's body.
The poet questions: How does the 'evil era' run, if people can foresee thngs?
The last line repeats in every verse of the vEmana Satakam. It is called 'makuTam' (crown). The poet addresses himself in the last line.
The word 'kali' used in the third line, refers to the last of the four eras in the Hindu mythology.
'Righteousness' is the object of comparison in the four ages or eras. It is in the form of a cow or a bull.
Age or Era 1, called 'krita yuga'. Righteousness walks with its four legs firmly stabilised on the Earth.
Age or Era 2, called 'trEtA yuga'. Righteousness loses one leg. It limps with three legs. vAlmiki rAmAyaNa was supposed to have taken place during this age.
Age or Era 3, called 'dvApara yuga'. Righteousness loses two legs. It further limps only on two legs. vyAsa's mahAbhArata was believed to have taken place during this period.
Age or Era 4, called 'kali yuga'. Righteousness will have only one leg. Three legs were lost. Anybody can imagine, how this world is pulling along.
ybrem 2
Meteorological Experts with satellite data, can now predict, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the arrival of monsoons and rains.
Even death can be predicted, to some extent.
This verse was of the 15th Century A.D. We have to keep the level of technology prevailing at that time.