Migrations in search of livelihood, safety-security have been going on since several Centuries. There is nothing new in it. Usually, migrating Workers, initially, start alone, and after succeeding in getting a reasonably secure job, they take their families to their place of work. While this is so, sometimes, their sexual urges may not wait. Then, pending taking their families to their work places, the Male Workers may be searching for Women, seeking sexual favors. Here is an interesting verse attributed to Yogi vEmana, 14th-15th CE circa Great Telugu Poet. My translation / interpretation of sentences may be incorrect. Hence, I appeal to Readers not to find fault with Yogi Vemana. Instead, I welcome them to correct me.
ఊరనూరదిరుగు ఉద్యోగ దారియై Ura nUra tirugu udyOga dAriyai
వాడవాడదిరుగు వనితకొరకు vADa vADa tirugu vanita koraku
ఏడనేడ దిరిగి ఏరేమి కనిరయా EDa nEDA tirigi ErEmi kaniraya
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ! visVadAbhi rAma vinura vEma.
English Gist:
First Line: Moves from place to place "job/work" as the path, i.e. searching for livelihood.
Second line: Moves from locality to locality, in search of woman.
Third Line: What did they see, moving from where to where?
Fourth line: The Poet is addressing to himself. "Oh vEma!" listen to me.
Incomplete. Shall add/delete/modify.