sutulu satulu mAya , sukha duhkhamulu mAya,
samskriti yunu mAya , jAli mAya ,
mAya bratukuna kanni mAya kalpincerA
viSvada abhirAma vinura vEma.
English Gist
Sons (Better usage: children which includes daughters), and wives (Better usage spouses which term includes husbands also) are all delusions and illusions. Comforts and rigours are all delusions and illusions. Culture is also a delusion and illusion. Compassions and sympathies are delusions and illusions. Delusion has created all types of illusions for this life.
Translator's note.
I have used the words delusion and illusion as near synonyms, though there may be a subtle difference between the two. The Indian word 'mAya' encompasses both delusions and illusions.
ybrao a donkey's personal feeling
Hollywood actresses and actors who frequently face the problem of unfaithful spouses, gfs/bfs, better understand this perception of vEmana. Celebrities like Danny Cipriani and Kelly Brook may have to read this. Awareness of true nature of this jagat (lives which sprout and die) may not re-fix broken lives and relationships, but will heal hurt and suffering hearts.