Vemana was very clear in his denouncing the slaughter which took place during animal-sacrifices to please Gods. These sacrifices were called yagnams and yAgams. In the following verse poet Vemana compared and contrasted the Priests who caused slaughter of sacrificial animals, with the village outcastes of those days who survived by eating meat of dead animals and eked out their livelihood by tanning leather and making footwear from such leather. He declared that outcastes were better than the Brahmin-priests. Priests, Swamijis suffer from Superiority Complex and Arrogance. They look down upon people who live with the sweat of their brow. India is one country where physical labor is looked with condescension whereas it deserves dignity and respect.
హింసఁ జేయకుండుటే ముఖ్య ధర్మంబు himsa cEyakunDuTE mukhya dharmambu
ఆనక హింసచేసి రవనిసురులు Anaka himsa cEsiri avani surulu
చావుపశువుఁ దినెడు చండాలుఁడే మేలు cAvu paSuvu tineDu canDAluDE mElu
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినర వేమ! viSvada abhirama vinura vEma.
himsa cEyakumDuTE mukhya dharmambu
Anaka himsa cEsir avani surulu
cAvu paSuvu tineDu camDAluDE mElu
viSvad abhi rAma vinura vEma.HINDI DEVANAGARI SCRIPT
हिंस चेयकुंडुटे मुख्य धर्मंबु
आनक हिंस चेसिर अवनि सुरुलु
चावु पशुवु तिनॆडु चंडालुडे मेलु
विश्वद अभिराम विनुर वेम ।
ENGLISH: Non-violence is the chief duty and ethic. Nevertheless, priests (avani surulu = Gods on this earth) did violence. An outcaste who eats dead animal is better than the so called demy-Gods on Earth.
Additional information: In the pre-Gautama-Buddha India, priests headed sacrificial worships of Aryans, which involved animal sacrifices. The poet was denouncing the priests , because they indulged in cruelty and violence in the name of the worship of the Almighty.
Telugu language: అహింసయే పరమ ధర్మము. అయినా భూసురులు (బ్రాహ్మణులు) హింసను చేశారు. వారి కన్నా చండాలురే మేలు కదా.
Hindi language: अहिंसा परम धर्म होता है। परन्तु, अवनी सुर् किये हिंसा. उन से मृत पशु को खाने वाले चंडाल उत्तम होते हैं ।