Ever since the Feudalism and Capitalism have started evolving, and interfering into the Human Society, Humans have started wearing "socially acceptable masks", hiding their true personalities. Concealment is natural to humans, just as swimming is natural to fishes. Sexual harassment at workplace, which Metoo movement tries to fight out is only a tip of the Ice berg, of the Human Fallibilities. However, we have to keep in mind, it is difficult to define what are aparAthams [crimes,guilt(s), monstrosities, offenses, sins, etc. etc.] by whatever name they may be called. Besides, these concepts are all fluid in nature, in the sense that their shapes and sizes change from time to time, place to place, and culture to culture.
Even if others do not know, does n't God know
అంతరంగమందు నపరాధములు చేసి
మంచివానివలెనె మనుజుడుండు
ఇతరు లెరుగకున్న నీశ్వరుడెరుగడా?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ.In Roman Script
antarangam andu aparAthamulu cEsi
manci vAni valene manujuDunDu
itaruleruga kunna ISvaru DerugaDA?
viSvadAbhi rAma vinura vEma.
English Gist of the above verse: In spite of committing numerous crimes, offenses and sins, people may try to conceal all of them within themselves, and posture as virtuous persons. The Poet tells himself: Even if others do not know about those crimes, offenses and sins, doesn't God know?
Question: Did Vemana believe in God?
Ans: The above verse is self-explicit in indicating that Vemana not only believed in God, but also in His Omniscience.
Viewed from an atheist angle, since God does not exist, prima facie there is no question of a person getting punished for his crimes, guilt(s), offenses, monstrosities, sins etc. etc. Some causes may not have effects at all. There may be situations where persons may get ailments and diseases which may be attributed to their indisciplined life styles, and such situations may suggest the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between actions and their consequences.
Nearly 80% of the World's Population consists of Believers in God. They believe that God rewards Good people and punishes bad people. Despite these strong beliefs and God, and faith in his Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, people repeatedly commit heinous offenses, not bothering about the Existence of God. Or they may be believed that Gods/Goddesses may be bribed. This happens in all Religions.Question: Even if Gods/Goddesses do not exist, Law and the State will prosecute and punish the Offenders. Hence, why should you worry
Ans: Definitions of offenses and crimes are different in various countries. They also change from time to time. Most of the Law, in almost all the countries of the World, calls for and depends on Direct evidence (Eye witnesses etc.) to prove the guilt. Then, there will be lawyers to defend the Affluent Guilty, by misleading Courts. In cases of Offenses against women at work place, it may be difficult to collect evidence, simply because Women in the past were not Evidence Collectors. With afflux of time evidence evaporates, witnesses die or they get bribed or threatened.
Now, in the MeToo Movements disclosures, if affected males resort to Defamation Suits, throwing some hundreds of thousands of bucks to lawyers, they are likely to succeed, because it will be difficult for the affected Women to prove the incidents after several years of their happening.