In 21st Century World Marketing, Packing is more important than actual quantity and quality of a Product. In Religion, this has been the custom, since the advent of Religions in Human Lives. Vemana lived during 15th Century CE. During his time also, External Appearances overtook intrinsic quality of individuals. A person can pose as a devotee, with his dress and facial marks. Vemana denounced these hypocrisies. The following verse demonstrates it:--

వాక్కుశుద్ధి లేనివాఁడు చండాలుండు vAkku Suddhi lEni vADu canDAlunDu
ప్రేమశుద్ధిలేని పెట్టులేల prEma Suddhi lEni peTTu lEla
నొసలు భక్తుడైన నోరు తోడేలయా nosalu bhaktuDaina, nOru tODElayA !
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినర వేమ! viSvadAbhirAma vinura vEma !
The Yogi Vemana is awakening and enlightening himself. viSvadAbhi rAma vinura vEma, the fourth line indicates it.
First line: A person who does not have a 'clean language' becomes a person of Despicable Character.
2nd line: What is the use of gifting / bestowing something, without "love"? (Charities and Gifts should be accompanied by Cleanliness of "LOVE".
Third Line: What is the use of a Facial Mark, when his-her mouth works like the mouth of a Wolf? (A wolf-like cruel person can never become a Devoted Virtuous Person).